
Above Ground & Aerial Conduit

There are many applications for aerial conduit, which include but are not limited to road crossings, rail crossings, trolley line crossings, and water crossings. Also used in areas where the terrain makes buried duct installation difficult.

They provide for efficient means of supporting cable that can easily be replaced and/or allow for the addition of cables without requiring encroachment in often hazardous or difficult to access spaces.

A critical consideration for aerial applications is UV protection. For this reason, only conduit materials with special carbon black pigments can be used, since constant direct exposure to UV radiation significantly shortens the lifetime of unprotected PE conduit.

Aerial HDPE is available only in black due to the use of carbon black for the additional UV protection requirement.

This product is available with our combination of pull tapes, pre-lubed option in various put-ups.


The two preferred methods for aerial installation of conduit are the back-pull/stationary reel method and the drive-off/moving reel method. Circumstances at the construction site and equipment/manpower availability will dictate which placement method will be used.

Design consideration must be given to the expansion/contraction potential of PE conduit. This consideration is more important when lashing conduit than with the use of self-supporting conduit.